Is it Technology Vs. HR?

“New technology is not good or evil in and of itself. It's all about how people choose to use it.”
David Wong

“Ma’am, technology has done more harm than good. The connection between people is lost. Employees working in teams are communicating much lesser than they used to. Technology has made us addicted and dependent!”

These are some of the arguments given by my HR students during our ‘beginning of the year’ group discussion on ‘Technology and HR’. They often see technology as a threat to people relations and group dynamics. Some optimistic ones talk about advantages of technology but they don’t go beyond conferencing and virtual teams. Hearing similar discussions year on year, and being an engineer and HR, I decided to write about technology and HR, taking both perspectives (that of technology and HR) into consideration.

HR Perspective
Human Resource Management is something which binds the employee with the organization in such a way that the employee’s goals are aligned with that of the organization and she moves towards achieving personal as well as organizational goals. It prepares a structure which supports the whole organization by supporting the employee. And supporting the employee and the organization comprises of recruitment, training and development, performance management, compensation and benefits, smooth separation etc. High efficiency and effectiveness in all individual processes affects the organizational bottom-line in a significant way.

Technology Perspective
According to Oxford Dictionary Technology is “The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.” And most of the times it is used to reduce time and effort of completing a task. The ultimate objective is to make task simpler. With this basic agenda, technology is used in organizations.

Some of the myriad applications include:
  • ·         HR Analytics
  • ·         AI and its application in HR
  • ·         Online recruitment
  • ·         Campus engagement
  • ·         Virtual trainings
  • ·         Performance appraisal using technology
  • ·         Online engagement methods
  • ·         Knowledge Management
  • ·         Seamless Separation
  • ·         Virtual talent management

And of course, there are virtual teams, administration and payroll, compensation etc. etc. Technology encompasses everything; from before the employee arrives in organization to after she leaves it. It is embedded in processes and is affected by culture of the organization as well.

Technology tries to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the processes by increasing decentralization of power and responsibilities, reducing redundancy, eliminating errors, increasing transparency and empowering the employees.

In my further posts, I will explore each one of the above points at length, including the ethical implications of use of technology. I will also discuss about the need for HR managers to be well versed with latest technologies and why techno-savvy managers will be able to handle their teams in a better way.

I will close with the words of Indian IT wizard N. R. Narayana Murthy, who really made Indian IT industry global. Till then have a happy week!

“Engineering or technology is all about using the power of science to make life better for people, to reduce cost, to improve comfort, to improve productivity, etc.”
